Black and Latinx Leaders of Texas Respond to Gun Violence in Texas


Today our partners at Community Justice Action Fund penned the following letter signed by Black and Latinx Leaders across Texas to demand an end to Gun Violence in our communities following the deadly mass shooting in El Paso:

We, the undersigned Black and Latinx leaders of Texas organizations fighting for progressive change, represent millions of Texans who believe in the spirit and promise of our cherished home. We are sixth-generation Texans and first-generation immigrants, descendants of the enslaved and those who sought refuge in Texas for the promise of a better life for their children.

We are heartbroken in the wake of the hate-fueled massacre of Latinx Texans two weeks ago in El Paso. Our communities are still reeling, not only from the twenty-two deaths, but from the racially-motivated hostility and neglect that is putting our lives increasingly at risk. As long as our elected representatives continue to elevate access to guns over the health and safety of our families, we cannot count ourselves safe.

  • Akilah S. Wallace, Faith in Texas, Executive Director
  • Amanda Beatriz Williams, Lilith Fund, Executive Director
  • Amber Goodwin, Community Justice Action Fund, Executive Director
  • Angelica Razo, Mi Familia Vota, Texas Deputy Director
  • Anthony Gutierrez, Common Cause, Texas Executive Director
  • Brianna Carmen, Voto Latino, Director of Organizing and Partnerships
  • Cesar Espinoza, FIEL HOUSTON INC, Executive Director
  • Dyana Limon-Mercado , Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, Executive Director
  • Edwin Robinson, Faith in Action, Southern Strategy
  • Giselle López Estrada, March For Our Lives Texas, Lead for the Dallas chapter
  • Jaclyn Uresti, Mexican American Legislative Caucus (MALC), Executive Director
  • Luis Figueroa, Center for Public Policy Priorities, Legislative and Policy Director
  • Michelle Tremillo, Texas Organizing Project, Executive Director
  • Oscar Silva, Battleground Texas, Executive Director
  • Raven Douglas, MOVE Texas, Deputy Director
  • Royce Brooks, Annie’s List, Executive Director
  • Sasha Legette, Pure Justice, Executive Director
  • Val Benavidez, Texas Freedom Network/Texas Rising, Chief Program Officer
  • Venton Hill-Jones, Southern Black Policy and Advocacy Network, Inc, Chief Executive Officer
  • Yvonne Gutierrez, Supermajority, Head of Community Engagement
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