Peace to the Freedom Fighters

This blog is dedicated to the frontline grassroots community activists who are on the ground meeting community members where they are, irrespective of where they come from.  In fact, not all disruptors and societal agitators are born in the communities…

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Getting to the Other Side

Darkness is just as important as light in terms of harvest. In life the most uncomfortable moments have its way of bringing forth a greater version of ourselves. Some of my darkest nights have taught me that we are at…

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Paying Attention: The Case of Marvin Guy

Mass incarceration is a problem in this country. The United States has the most people locked up in jails and prisons than any other country in the world. We also have the most people locked up in immigrant detention centers…

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First , let me address the elephant in the room. I DO NOT CONDONE VIOLENCE. Second, the purpose of this piece is to bring awareness to how Black women are mistreated in our criminal justice system. As I watched the…

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Motorists of Color: Know your rights!

Outside of racial profiling, consent searches are the root cause of the stark differences in traffic-stop arrests of racial groups.  “Motorists of Color” should know their rights in Houston. A police officer must have probable cause (PC) to pull over…

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Knowledge is Peace

“In the first full calendar year after their release, only 55 percent reported any earnings, with the median earnings being $10,090. Of those with earnings, 4 percent earned less than $500, 32 percent earned between $500 and $15,000, and only…

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The Cost of Discrimination and the Value of a Second Chance

“I regret to inform you that you were not selected for employment at this time” and “Unfortunately, we will not be able to move forward with you application for this position” are phrases frequently given to formerly incarcerated individuals searching…

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Prosecutorial Misconduct: ”SMH”

Hello to my Woke people and thank you for reading this blog.  I hope that you find this information helpful and necessary because I wish that I had known this information before I was falsely  accused and convicted of a…

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Housing Discrimination & the White Supremist ,Cis-Hetero, Patriarchy

The root of the problem of homelessness among formerly incarcerated people lies in the vicious cycle of White Supremacy. In America, Black and Brown people are historically and generationally forced to live in poverty, where we are over-policed, and disproportionately…

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America’s Recap: How Far Have Minorities Truly Come Pt.2

The notorious white supremacist hate group, the Ku Klux Klan was founded back in 1865 operating through pure terrorism, has had the opportunity to dissolve and resurrect three times with thousands of active members still today. FBI director J. Edgar…

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